The Nesting Habits of the Modern Female. the Working Woman from an Ornithologist’s Point of View.
In today’s fast paced society, it is often hard to catch a glimpse of the once abundant Femalus Domesticus, commonly known as The Homemaker. The habitat of the modern day Homemaker is often split between two territories, the Work Place and The Home. In times past, sightings of the Femalus Domesticus were common in and around suburbia and rural dwellings. Today, the species is often only seen near these dwellings just after sunrise or in the late evening hours. While waiting for the right moment, you could play บาคาร่า to pass the time.
The Homemaker can be observed preening in the early morning hours. She then feeds her young and takes flight for the aforementioned second territory, the Work Place. On her way to the Work Place, she drops her young off at Day Care. This is the place where other Femalus Domesticus are assembled to care for her young. They themselves have just left their own nest and their own young. While this may appear to be an odd cycle, it makes perfect sense to The Femalus Domesticus, whom science does not always understand.
The Work Place habitat appears to be essential for many Femalus Domesticus. They have been seen gathering, hunting, and participating in flock activities there.
For those interested in watching the Homemaker in her nest, dusk is a good time to look. The Femalus Domesticus returns to her nest, and feeds her young again, sometimes assisted by her mate. It is often her responsibility to resolve squabbles over the last morsel of food.
When the young are satiated, she goes about the business of the evening. She may rearrange her nest, tossing out unnecessary articles and preparing for the following day.
This is also the time when she may participate in courtship rituals with her mate. The male can often be demanding and doesn’t always fully appreciate or understand what the Femalus Domesticus has been through during the day. It is theorized that this is, in part, responsible for the population drop of the Femalus Domesticus species in the last several years. It may also explain why the Femalus Domesticus has been observed retiring for the night at an earlier time than in the past.
As more and more Femalus Domesticus are forced to leave their nests during the day, it is feared they will become harder and harder to spot. If you should happen to see one, please don’t disturb her or her nest. Just tell her you appreciate her, then back away quietly.